Monday, November 8, 2010

Weigh in # 5

                          WEIGH IN #5

As one more week has gone by I've been so encouraged by all of you out there who are reading my blog and wondering how you can change your lives.   We have been busy this week.  I've had a great time.  As of last night I have begun to feel like I have the flu.  I have a fever, chills, sore throat, swollen glands in the neck, and body aches everywhere.  I'm just pushing my fluids in me.  I don't want to get dehydrated.  I used to drink broth (high in sodium) during these times.  I have however heated up some warm water with lemon juice.  It soothes my throat just the same but is better for me.  Enough with the small talk lets get to the whole point of todays blog. 

I have lost another 4#.  I am so excited.  I'm going to hit those 200's soon and never again will I be in the 300's.  That is a promise and vow to myself and to all of you!  Please hold me accountable.  If you see me in public don't hesitate to say what do you weigh?  Have you gained weight?  I want this, any help is appreciated.  Alot of people may think it's rude but I believe that I'm open with you and I would appreciate the same. 

Beginning weight    338lbs
last week weight    309lbs
This week weight   305lbs
weight loss this week  4 lbs
total weight loss        33 lbs
Positives this week:
I refused the temptation of chocolate when I thought I couldn't handle alot of things.
I increased my cardio and did ok with it
I am loving my life!!
I'm living my life!!!
I'm thankful for all of those of you encouraging me and praying for me

Negatives this week:
I am sick now with alot of generalized pain, but I will get past it!!

Staying positive and optomistic is better for my mind set and they even say it may help extend my life.


  1. great job once again, i knew you could do it you have a strong will. im here for you and you journey and anything you need. love you.m

  2. Carolyn--What can I say. When you sat down with Kathleen not that many weeks ago--I don't know if I would have believed it if someone had told me who you would be today. You are indeed a beautiful work in progress.

  3. So Very proud of you!!! You look wonderful... I just feel like I could get up and yell YEAH!!! I am like a mom with her proud! I really am honored that I had a part in your lifestyle change....You go girl!!!!

  4. I'm SO Excited for you! You are doing such a great job. Carolyn, oh my I've been on this journey just 2 days and let me tell you Chocolate is calling my name...But I've ignored it! God, I'm so Proud of you!!! Keep it up!!
