I'm 31 years old, a mother and a wife. I have several health issues because of being overweight. I am ready for a complete transformation!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween......Trick or Treat
Well the past couple of days the kids have been at several Halloween celebrations. So the candy has started to pour in. Do I want any NO! Do I love to take a smell, yes it's almost as if you can taste it. Matter of fact there are places around where you can do this such thing. My lifestyle specialist shows you just that take a look at this link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwJyoIh3ssY I do find the grocery store just the place. Go by the bakery take in a great big sniff - the donut rack. Its almost like your eating them but your stomach is full so there's one reason your not. Another reason you won't be getting the calories from them but you can imagine you ate them. This works great for me. However, back to Halloween my children always set their goods on our tv when they want we ask and we approve of what they want. My children don't get through their candy ever even with past help from mom and dad!!! So this year I've made a deal with my children that we're only keeping half of the candy. Especially since we dump what's left at Christmas time. it's always over a grocery bag full. There are dentists that will buy the candy at so much per pound, take and send it over to our troops over seas, or donate to a food pantry. Just remember that the less candy the kids or you are putting in your mouth the better it is for their health and the better it is for their teeth. This makes it easier for you to keep your family in good health and your wallets in better health. You won't be spending as much at dentists or doctors. Also Halloween is good - if you go with your children it's more exercise your getting walking around your neighborhood!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Texas Roadhouse a privelage and a challenge

This is me at Texas Roadhouse. I have a problem sitting in a booth. Previous to this trip I had gut hanging on top of the table. I had started my life change 2 1/2 weeks before this picture. Now I'm able to sit in the booth and not have the table squeeze my stomach between the back of the seat. I will occasionally go and take a picture of me in the same booth so we can compare as my journey continues.
Here is what I had at Texas Roadhouse to eat.
I ordered the barbeque's chicken without bbq sauce without marinade just cooked in natural juices. Then I cut it in half. The half portion is what you see on my plate. Steamed broccoli without butter or anything on it. One half of a sweet potato no oil, butter, or sugar. Horseradish that I use to mash with my sweet potato. I never had eaten a sweet potato my entire life. But they are great. I can't believe how well I "LOVE" them. I actually just take a piece of broccoli, chicken, and scoop of sweet potato. the best way to eat it and it's so flavorful. This meal is approximately 400 calories. The meal I used to get from there which would be the chicken critter meal with lots of honey mustard sauce, a loaded baked potato of bacon, cheese, double butter and sour cream, and a salad with extra cheese, croutons, and extra dressing. I can't even begin to approximate the calorie intake of my old meal due to the way the chicken is cooked and breaded or the salad as the dressing is homemade along with the croutons. Not to mention I would eat about 4 rolls with alot of cinnamon butter. All I know is I was content that my food filled my stomach, that I had another whole dinner left over for another meal, and that I'm enjoying my foods instead of what I used to do is smother them in butter or cheese sauce, or dunk everything in another sauce. I really cherish the vegetables and fruit that comes from our earth and I can't believe I disguised the real taste of my food before.
I ate at McDonald's!!!!
Today we were downtown when our breaks went on my husbands truck. We were going down to drop something off and then come right home so I didn't bring a snack or lunch or anything. Sooooo.... what did I have to eat? We have subway right next to our mcdonald's so I went to subway bought my food and then went in with the rest of the family to mcdonalds to eat - as none of them would hear of having a healthy sub even a less healthy sub for lunch. The normal things at mcdonalds that used to appeal to me didn't. The smells that I used to find comforting and welcoming when you walk in almost made want to walk out. Eventhough some of my family didn't want to eat healthy doesn't mean I still can't. Remember even if your family isn't following along with a healthier plan doesn't mean that you can't. It's all about what you want. What do you want bad enough? I want life, do you?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The things that are taken for granted
I used to think nothing of it when I was able to stand at the sink and do a load of dishes. Well I lost that ability due to a mixture of things. Things like being overweight, back pain, and laziness. I used to have to sit at the sink in a chair and do the dishes. Since I've started working out and eating healthy I have been able to stand at the counter and do the dishes.
Another thing that I once took for granted and have since lost is taking a shower while standing up. Reasons why I can't stand up and take a shower are the chance I may fall, the back pain gets worse, and the fact that at my size I currently can't wash all of my body from an upright position. It really bothers me to reach to wash my feet.
These are some goals I have set to be able regain normal function. As soon as I accomplish some more of my goals I will let you know.
If any of you are having problems with normal daily function I encourage you to look at all aspects of your life and see what changes you can make to make your life more comfortable.
Another thing that I once took for granted and have since lost is taking a shower while standing up. Reasons why I can't stand up and take a shower are the chance I may fall, the back pain gets worse, and the fact that at my size I currently can't wash all of my body from an upright position. It really bothers me to reach to wash my feet.
These are some goals I have set to be able regain normal function. As soon as I accomplish some more of my goals I will let you know.
If any of you are having problems with normal daily function I encourage you to look at all aspects of your life and see what changes you can make to make your life more comfortable.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I was on the treadmill this morning when my feet began to hurt but I pushed through thinking that it was my minds way of telling me it's to hard I don't want to do it. I also pushed through because I feel so invigorated when I finish that task. I feel as though I'm floating on clouds. (Can't believe I said that) When my workout was finished I removed my shoes and socks and found blisters on the bottom of the balls of my feet and one on my right heel. I'm not sure how they got there - but please pray that they don't interfere with my healthy life.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Weigh in #3
Sometimes you have mixed feelings about results compared to the work you put forth. That's how I felt this morning when I weighed in. It's different from my first two weigh ins because my body is getting used to the good food I'm putting in my mouth. My body is also getting used to the exercise so Fawn my lifestyle specialist is going to revamp my workout!! I feel good knowing that I'm eating balanced and healthy. I realize that I didn't gain weight and my weight was just standing still either. I did loose weight and I'm very proud of myself. It's not hard when you are liking the way your living. It's something my heart really desires to be healthy. Sooo....................................
I lost 3 lbs this week!!! Now is the time you will see weight drop from me in smaller healthy amounts. The time that it takes for me to remove this weight from my body to obtain health only assures me that since I'm willing to wait for it to come off then I will continue to live a healthy lifestyle and keep it off.
I'm so thankful for all the cooperation and support I get from all of my readers, family, and friends! It's very encouraging!!!
Starting weight 338 lbs
last week weight 315 lbs
this week weight 312 lbs
total weight loss with fawn 26 lbs
I lost 3 lbs this week!!! Now is the time you will see weight drop from me in smaller healthy amounts. The time that it takes for me to remove this weight from my body to obtain health only assures me that since I'm willing to wait for it to come off then I will continue to live a healthy lifestyle and keep it off.
I'm so thankful for all the cooperation and support I get from all of my readers, family, and friends! It's very encouraging!!!
Starting weight 338 lbs
last week weight 315 lbs
this week weight 312 lbs
total weight loss with fawn 26 lbs
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wow....my tippy toes.
Everyone keeps saying that I can see you loosing weight in my face, my bottom, and people say when I turn sideways that they can see that my stomach's smaller.
When your heavier and I think you need to loose more weight before it's noticeable. It's noticeable to me in my fingers for one. My wedding ring is alot looser than ever. But the biggest part of it all is if I look straight down I can see the front part of my tippy toes!!! That right there is a result of me working hard with my meal plans, exercise, and enjoying my new lifestyle.
Another joy for me is learning how to cook homemade meals that my family with enjoy that's nutritious. I think I might be getting good at cooking. I think this was intended the way for me to change my life.
Anxious for tomorrow! Weigh in here we come!
When your heavier and I think you need to loose more weight before it's noticeable. It's noticeable to me in my fingers for one. My wedding ring is alot looser than ever. But the biggest part of it all is if I look straight down I can see the front part of my tippy toes!!! That right there is a result of me working hard with my meal plans, exercise, and enjoying my new lifestyle.
Another joy for me is learning how to cook homemade meals that my family with enjoy that's nutritious. I think I might be getting good at cooking. I think this was intended the way for me to change my life.
Anxious for tomorrow! Weigh in here we come!
Sloppy joe ..mmmm.........
Today we had a fall festival held at my sister-in-laws house today for the children of our church. The food for it was planned before I began to change my life. I was the one bringing hotdogs and sloppy joe. I bought the hotdogs from sams club. I researched and made a recipe for sloppy joe that was healthy. It went over well. Nobody had bad complaints. I told them it was a healthy version and everyone was fine with eating that. Some used it as topping to the hot dog.
This recipe was made for a large group outing and you can break it down as needed.
Read More http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/recipe/1829536/2?nc=1&autosave=form.info.autosave#ixzz13KMEcM5N
This recipe was made for a large group outing and you can break it down as needed.
Put vegetables through food processer cook in stock pot so that the vegetables are more soft. (So that the kids don't know.) Throw in the meat. Cook until browned. Add tomato sauce, ketchup, mustard. Heat to desired temperature. Serve warm - may use a whole wheat roll.
Read More http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/recipe/1829536/2?nc=1&autosave=form.info.autosave#ixzz13KMEcM5N
Thursday, October 21, 2010
my hubby and family
Well, when we used to be out we would stop and get something to eat even if it was a dollar burger from you know where. Now my husband is respecting my choice of bringing my snacks with me and making sure I'm home in time for my meals. He is also trying some of the food I'm making which if you know me is unbelievable because I have been known to burn water!! Seriously!
He is also helping to enforce with me to the kids what options that have for food. They are slowly adapting. My husband has also came up with some ideas on things he would like to see changed about the kid's nutrition. Things I was willing to let them have because they enjoy it. Like those deep fried french fries covered in nacho cheese and ketchup for breakfast on saturday mornings at bowling. I was willing to let them have them every now and then but he said he'd just like them to stop having them especially since its in the morning. I have been cooking for them every saturday morning since I have began to change my life. Which never happened before.
I'm beginning to enjoy cooking and coming up with other healthier ways to make the food that the rest of my family enjoys. I'm currently working on a healthy meal options for my church's harvest dinner. I will post pictures and information regarding the dinner closer to the time. Dinner is at 6pm on November 13th if anyone wants to stop in and try a spin on healthier thanksgiving options. Get some inspiration to make your families thanksgiving a little more healthy without them knowing .
Enjoy!! Carolyn
He is also helping to enforce with me to the kids what options that have for food. They are slowly adapting. My husband has also came up with some ideas on things he would like to see changed about the kid's nutrition. Things I was willing to let them have because they enjoy it. Like those deep fried french fries covered in nacho cheese and ketchup for breakfast on saturday mornings at bowling. I was willing to let them have them every now and then but he said he'd just like them to stop having them especially since its in the morning. I have been cooking for them every saturday morning since I have began to change my life. Which never happened before.
I'm beginning to enjoy cooking and coming up with other healthier ways to make the food that the rest of my family enjoys. I'm currently working on a healthy meal options for my church's harvest dinner. I will post pictures and information regarding the dinner closer to the time. Dinner is at 6pm on November 13th if anyone wants to stop in and try a spin on healthier thanksgiving options. Get some inspiration to make your families thanksgiving a little more healthy without them knowing .
Enjoy!! Carolyn
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Amazing, I think I am already healthier!!
I have a numerous amount of medical problems. Some including hiatal hernia, acid reflux, and esophageal ulcers. I have been on medication for years for this and have always had to adod t the treatment by using tums which are very high in sugar. I used tums almost everyother day some times more than once a day. I've been on this journey for 2 weeks and haven't had to have one !! I'm so glad as the heartburn just disturbed me and was very painful at times.
On another note I was at the chiropractor this evening and I called home to have my husband preheat the oven for dinner. I got home and I seen boxed mac n cheese and hot dogs with white rolls for the kids. However, we had previously talked about what we were having for dinner. One temptation I loved box mac n cheese. However, it didn't even smell good. This would have been one of my favorite food items I thought would of had me saying "one bite won't hurt." It didn't appeal to me and I didn't say that so I moved on with my evening and had my fish pocket.
On another note I was at the chiropractor this evening and I called home to have my husband preheat the oven for dinner. I got home and I seen boxed mac n cheese and hot dogs with white rolls for the kids. However, we had previously talked about what we were having for dinner. One temptation I loved box mac n cheese. However, it didn't even smell good. This would have been one of my favorite food items I thought would of had me saying "one bite won't hurt." It didn't appeal to me and I didn't say that so I moved on with my evening and had my fish pocket.
Chicken noodle soup ..mmmm............
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
Whole wheat
lean protein
low sodium
Monday, October 18, 2010
Weigh in #2 down!!!!.....................
Well this week has been an eventful one. I'm still very encouraged on my journey to health and weight loss. That is because 1) I know my God has but me on this path 2) I have a great life coach who take emails, texts, and phone calls anytime. I think sometimes I forget about the time difference between where we live. 3) I have people around me who are choosing to support me, my family, my church family, friends, and people I have never met who follow this blog. I know I am blessed to have the support that I do. I was talking with a friend last night who is just filled with the Lord's spirit and he has reminded me to be open to realizing and letting God show me what makes valuable. I know that he is starting that within me. I have no desire to have other unhealthy foods that I have decided not to have in my body and I know that peace came from within my Lord. If you are wanting some food that used to be part of your unhealthy self you can find a healthy way to make it. No seriously!
Getting down to business....
Starting weight 338 lbs
last week weight 324 lbs
this week weight 315 lbs
this week weight loss 9 lbs
total weight loss with fawn 23 lbs
Positives this week
I have been told by some they are starting to see some weight loss in my face
I have been told by some that they are seeing a difference if I'm standing sideways
I have proud of myself to sticking with this contract I have made with God, Fawn, and all of you
I have denied foods that would have tempted me before
I am glad to have the support and encouragement that everyone offers.
Delays this week
I had a pain block that caused me some pain that where I was unable to do some walking
I had some vomitting issues, which I pray are still behind me. However, have decided it's ok if it revisits me as I will get through it.
Love to all,
Getting down to business....
Starting weight 338 lbs
last week weight 324 lbs
this week weight 315 lbs
this week weight loss 9 lbs
total weight loss with fawn 23 lbs
Positives this week
I have been told by some they are starting to see some weight loss in my face
I have been told by some that they are seeing a difference if I'm standing sideways
I have proud of myself to sticking with this contract I have made with God, Fawn, and all of you
I have denied foods that would have tempted me before
I am glad to have the support and encouragement that everyone offers.
Delays this week
I had a pain block that caused me some pain that where I was unable to do some walking
I had some vomitting issues, which I pray are still behind me. However, have decided it's ok if it revisits me as I will get through it.
Love to all,
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Chili turnout
I made that chili today and I had onions and peppers that i purred first and put in as i was browning the turkey. I used organic kidney beans and my son who usually doesn't like the beans loved them !! My boys didn't even know that the peppers and onions were in there. They commented that it was real juicy and the meat tasted really good!! I have decided not to tell them what was in there if they're eating it then there is no problems. Not to mention I loved it. However, my hubby wouldn't try it..... maybe eventually he'll try some of my cooking. It's not that it's healthier so much but I've scared him with some of my past attempts at cooking.
Sweet potatoes.....
I don't think I've ever eaten sweet potato since I was a baby the smell hasn't ever enticed me to try it as an adult. However, I did it. I tried the sweet potato. It's not bad it would be better as everyone tells me they eat it with butter and brown sugar. I put a little horseradish on it and mmmmmmm......There it is my way I like to eat sweet potato. Don't be afraid to try something because it doesn't look good, smell good, or you've tried it before and didn't like it. When I was a kid I didn't eat lettuce, peppers, onions, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, or cabbage. I'm sure there's many more out there that I didn't eat but I enjoy all of these now......come on face your fear and try something that you didn't like
To Everyone
There is potential for great things to happen here and the devil is trying to do all he can to convince me that it's not worth it...
What the people in my life don't realize is, if I don't change my life, my last years will be miserable...I have yet to experience truly living a life of productivity and joy...this is something that I'm doing for me and my family... I'm hanging on and push through.
If I don't change my life...I can honestly say that I do not think I will watch my kids grow up. Both my doctor and my life coach said that if I don't change they don't think I'll make it to see my kids grown up. That being said, what I'm fighting for is my life...and I'm telling other people that they could and should fight too.
If people don't like what you have to say, then they don't have to listen. I want to be able to carry out God's plan for my life.
I have taken care of many overweight people during my time of being a nurse and I choose not to die like that. They are uncomfortable and it's hard for them to move around get clothes on some have to have clothes cut up there back and then sit in the wheelchair so it doesnt' show there are many bed sores you get from just being heavy and unable to move well. Also if I carry on eating unhealthy food I wouldn't be getting the right nutrients to heal a body properly.
Love Everyone
What the people in my life don't realize is, if I don't change my life, my last years will be miserable...I have yet to experience truly living a life of productivity and joy...this is something that I'm doing for me and my family... I'm hanging on and push through.
If I don't change my life...I can honestly say that I do not think I will watch my kids grow up. Both my doctor and my life coach said that if I don't change they don't think I'll make it to see my kids grown up. That being said, what I'm fighting for is my life...and I'm telling other people that they could and should fight too.
If people don't like what you have to say, then they don't have to listen. I want to be able to carry out God's plan for my life.
I have taken care of many overweight people during my time of being a nurse and I choose not to die like that. They are uncomfortable and it's hard for them to move around get clothes on some have to have clothes cut up there back and then sit in the wheelchair so it doesnt' show there are many bed sores you get from just being heavy and unable to move well. Also if I carry on eating unhealthy food I wouldn't be getting the right nutrients to heal a body properly.
Love Everyone
Friday, October 15, 2010
Well I've been trying to get all of my body healthy which includes my back. So I've been seeing a chiropractor and pain doctor. Today my pain doctor gave me a pain injections which is similar to the one ladies take advantage of during labor. However, shortly after that I felt this extreme headache. I could have a spinal leak. Where cerebral spinal fluid is leaking out causing headaches. The pain is much worse when you sit up or are exposed to light. Sometimes they clot on there own with lots of rest and fluids. They tell you to eat or drink caffeine but as I've had one of these before and the caffeine didn't help I chose not to put that stuff in my body this time. Other times you need to go in and they take your blood and give you another injection in the back where they try to clot it with the blood.
I'm going through these things because I'm overweight and can't wait until I can say that my weight is no longer affecting my back or many other things. Fawn feels as though I'm detoxing. Like an alcoholic this would detox from alcohol I'm detoxing from large amounts of high caloried food and soda. I can't wait to get rid of the bad night sleeps and all the other symptoms that I'm going through. I'm not going to all this to over take me. I'm in control of how I handle these problems and I'm not giving in. I also look at these things are trials to see if I'm going to slip back into my old habits. I want the Lord to have all the glory from journey as he lined up the appropriate way and people to put in my life so that I may have the chance at knowing what a healthy life is. I will not succumb to satan's way of trying to control me. No matter how much pain or how hard life can be with this journey the Lord still gives me hope in every area of my life. "This is the day that LORD has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. " I wish you all could experience a little bit of the piece that I have been given knowing that this is what was meant for me. That foods that I would normally eat have no pull over me right now.
With this vomiting and illness that is taking place I hope that my weigh in day will go as I want. I'm doing what I can and I will be glad with continuing my journey no matter what.
I'm going through these things because I'm overweight and can't wait until I can say that my weight is no longer affecting my back or many other things. Fawn feels as though I'm detoxing. Like an alcoholic this would detox from alcohol I'm detoxing from large amounts of high caloried food and soda. I can't wait to get rid of the bad night sleeps and all the other symptoms that I'm going through. I'm not going to all this to over take me. I'm in control of how I handle these problems and I'm not giving in. I also look at these things are trials to see if I'm going to slip back into my old habits. I want the Lord to have all the glory from journey as he lined up the appropriate way and people to put in my life so that I may have the chance at knowing what a healthy life is. I will not succumb to satan's way of trying to control me. No matter how much pain or how hard life can be with this journey the Lord still gives me hope in every area of my life. "This is the day that LORD has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. " I wish you all could experience a little bit of the piece that I have been given knowing that this is what was meant for me. That foods that I would normally eat have no pull over me right now.
With this vomiting and illness that is taking place I hope that my weigh in day will go as I want. I'm doing what I can and I will be glad with continuing my journey no matter what.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
One of my hardest problems....
One of my hardest problems is getting the appropriate amount of sleep. With my back problem I wake up throughout the night. Then I have hard times getting back to sleep. Other times I toss and turn and just can't sleep. I wish that the pain would go away, so I could sleep 7 to 8 hours asleep in a row. A couple of times now I haven't gotten up on time because I was only working on 2 to 3 hours by the time it would be to get up. I know that once I get some of this weight off I might be able to be in less pain and sleep through so my daily schedule goes according to plan.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Back at it again today!
Well after my brief illness, I'm back at it again. Made healthy potroast for the family and getting in my exercise plus some. It was a beautiful day out today and I just loved walking, taking in the sights, and breathing in the fresh air. If I would have been sick before when I was "dieting" I would have most likely "quit". This time it's in my heart to get healthy that's why I'm still excited about my journey. Thanks for the encouragement!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Kinda hard day
Last night I started feeling ill. I believe I got a GI bug. I'm still ill today. Trying to get in the nutrients I need is hard but I'm still eating balanced just not as much. My energy is running low as I've had some fevers. I walked around outside today but didn't do it on the treadmill today. I hope to be up and at 'em tomorrow. Praying for a better health situation that I'm in right now. Take care...will update soon again.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Chili Recipe
Quick and easy Chili from Fawn
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion diced
2 lbs ground turkey
1-2 packets mccormick chili seasoning
1 large can low sodium diced tomatoes
1 large can low sodium tomato sauce
2 cans kidney beans, 2 cans black beans, or 2 cups whole wheat rice
Take the olive oil warm it in a pan. Ad the onion to it until it because a little softer. Ad the 2 lbs ground turkey till browned. According to taste put the mccormick chili seasoning in with the tomatoes, sauce, and beans (or alternatives). Heat to a boil and simmer as long as desired.
A serving of this would be 1 1/2 cups. Extra here is made and is easy to freeze and reheat when desired. Enjoy
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion diced
2 lbs ground turkey
1-2 packets mccormick chili seasoning
1 large can low sodium diced tomatoes
1 large can low sodium tomato sauce
2 cans kidney beans, 2 cans black beans, or 2 cups whole wheat rice
Take the olive oil warm it in a pan. Ad the onion to it until it because a little softer. Ad the 2 lbs ground turkey till browned. According to taste put the mccormick chili seasoning in with the tomatoes, sauce, and beans (or alternatives). Heat to a boil and simmer as long as desired.
A serving of this would be 1 1/2 cups. Extra here is made and is easy to freeze and reheat when desired. Enjoy
Weigh In
We have decide that monday will be my weigh in days. Last week when I got my starting weight I got it from my scale at home, 328 lbs. I stepped on it today and it said 314 lbs. I texted Fawn and said is that right it hasn't even been a week yet? She said it could be. So that same day I weighed in at home I was at the doctors office. I went back up to the doctors office had them weigh me in again and today I weighted 324 lbs. The previous tuesday I weighed in at 338 lbs. I stopped at another doctors office down the road from my house to see whos scale was more accurate. My doctors scale was more accurate then mine. The new scale I bought for this journey was broken or unaccurate. However, the best news is that I lost 14 lbs. Fawn just said my body was begging for a change. I will continue to weigh in every monday. Thanks for supporting and following me on my journey. Carolyn
Perseverance!! That's what we need! Today I woke up a little late, didn't feel like eating, or exercising. I have a small cold and I'm trying not to let it control me. So I started with my day. This is what I've accomplished so far. I haven't been able to get this close before to a mile so I had to push that little extra time besides my half hour to accomplish that 1st mile on the treadmill in 30 minutes. Take a look for yourself.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
All those who you thought didn't care
I recently posted my journey to health on facebook where I have some church friends and other associates. Today when I entered church I had so many people come up to me and hug me and tell me they were proud of me. I didn't think there was many people who cared if I was overweight or not. I mean you wouldn't think that it would matter to them as my weight wasn't hurting them. These are peple who prayed for me, for my health, and my back pain. Finally for all of us God has answered all our prayers. He has shown me the way he wants me to get healthy and be an active member of society. I know I can count on these people for when I feel down or possibly discouraged. Now I know they're on my side praying that my journey is going to go smooth as possible and that I will adapt well. They were proud of me for making a choice to live and live healthy. To do something for myself. To everyone I am grateful for the support.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Well, sitting here in the evening when I usually eat because I'm bored I'm feeling kind of ancy. I'm not hungary but I feel like I need to keep my hands busy. (They used to keep going from my plate to my mouth) I'm thinking if I'm to start some kind of little hobby maybe crocheting or something It might help keep my mind off of how I used to occupy my evening time (eating.) If any of you readers have any suggestions - please comment. I do some reading and have chosen to read my bible at times in the evening. After the kids go to bed I have 4 to 5 hours every evening with nothing scheduled to do. I do prep my meals for the next day but that takes no time at all.
In our house today is bowling day for the kids. The ritual is to skip breakfast and buy a double order of deep fried french fries with a bowl of nacho cheese and ketchup. So we dip the fries in the cheese and then the ketchup. The smell wasn't so overwhelming because my stomach had just eaten previous to getting there. I fed the boys as well. We took a small snack for them and I would be due for my snack by the time we get home. I did push that urge to eat fries away because my body was fueled with scrambled eggs and peppers and cereal with strawberries. I didn't even crave them. I had water to drink and gum with me just in case I had the urge to want to get some unhealthy food.
However, I have encountered temptation at my house. My husband Mark brought in dunkin donuts. He did ask, he says I know it's not on your meal plan - but since we aren't starting a new eating plan for us until this coming week - can I get some for him and the boys. I said yes. I figured if he was trying to trick me and see if I'm gonna fall...I'm gonna prove him wrong. If he's not I know I had something sweet the week before I started this change in my life.
Well off to exercise again. Will update you later! Keep on keeping the faith!
However, I have encountered temptation at my house. My husband Mark brought in dunkin donuts. He did ask, he says I know it's not on your meal plan - but since we aren't starting a new eating plan for us until this coming week - can I get some for him and the boys. I said yes. I figured if he was trying to trick me and see if I'm gonna fall...I'm gonna prove him wrong. If he's not I know I had something sweet the week before I started this change in my life.
Well off to exercise again. Will update you later! Keep on keeping the faith!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Is the food really that bad?
Well I thought that the food was going to be like cardboard, especially the whole wheat products.
I actually think it has more flavor now that I know how to properly read a label and select some of the
best varieties of pasta, breads, and rice. I had spaghetti for dinner. I measured and weighed everything
out so that I stick to my menu plan. The whole wheat pasta tasted great plain. I topped it with diced chicken, diced tomatoes, and cauliflower. I've had meals in restaurants where they charge close too
$15.00 for something like that however it didn't cost me nearly that amount. A box of pasta will last more than 6 meals. The sauce will last even longer than that. Ofcourse your welcome to put anything in it you like. For snack people warned me about the natural peanut butter. I found it delicious there is no waiting to get used to the taste. I probably would of turned my nose at most of this food, I believe that there is reason for this. I'm really ready to change my life. There are those out there who do have to get used to food. I know I will have to get used to some vegetables and that's because I want to.
(brussel sprouts, onions, and peppers) They aren't my favorite.
I used to sleep whenever I could, now I want to be awake and alive. I've even set the alarm early so I can get up and make my breakfast and keep on an eating schedule. Then I put house cleaning, drs appointments, and exercise on my list. Today besides my 2 half hours I decided while I was waiting for the pharmacy to fill my prescriptions I clocked out a 1.2 mile walk and my year old son and I walked it. Having to stop about 5 or so times we did 1.2 miles in 34 minutes. I'm not sure how that compares next time I will take his stroller because I feel I could have gone faster without the stops and the further we got he tend to lag back while hanging on my hand.
What a day!!
Went shopping this morning, you wouldn't believe when they say whole wheat they don't really mean it. You really need to investigate what your putting in your mouths. What usually takes me 30 minutes to run through the grocery store for 1-1.5 carts of food took me over 2 hours to get 1/4th of a cart filled with nutritious food. I can't wait until it becomes natural for me to stroll down the aisles and pick up what know is healthy and nutritious for the best price. Then came home prepped all the food that I could. Wrapped things individually, cut up my vegetables and fruit measured them and stored them in small ziploc baggies in the fridge. This will help make preparing meals and snacks much easier and faster. It's all about making your new lifestyle convenient for you, so you don't stray from it. I Decided that since my used treadmill I bought doesn't function properly seems to have a short in it where it speeds up uncontrollably I would take advantage of this beautiful God given day and take our almost 3 year old son and 6 month old border collie on a walk while waiting for my oldest son to get off the school bus. Boy what a challenge but I got it in. The dog wanted to go one way the kid wanted to go another. In the midst of that I got stung by a bee so my pain block for this even was rescheduled to make sure I didn't have a allergic reaction. In my fridge I have designated a shelf for my food - if others want they can ask but for this week since the budget is low so I'm concentrated on myself who's fully committed in changing my life. For the rest of my family I think it will be more of a gradual process. When I woke this morning my muscles were a little sore but nothing compared to what I thought they would feel like. I still have the drive to go on, to persevere, to enrich my life, and to be a success. I will conquer these unhealthy issues. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and support. This journey is something new for me and I am completely grateful for your continued support. Carolyn
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
First day
Today was the day I officially started my new life. I started my exercise plan and let me tell you I started sweating bullets 3 minutes in. During those 3 minutes in I thought "Am I crazy, what am I doing" then it occurred to me I'm saving my life. At the end of my 30 minutes I wasn't in anymore pain or out of breath than I was the first 3 minutes. I have many new family members now. My family of friends who are on this journey to health. One of those friends Kathleen was able to meet with me today to discuss what I can expect, to help me with the food concept, and understand how to mesh my activities with my new life, and to make sure I tote my proper healthy food choices with me so that I'm not tempted to indulge into unhealthy food. My everyday activities have been minimal the past couple of years but since knowing I'm going to live a more enriched life from learning how to eat properly and exercise the rest of my life I've gotten some energy and have been able to unclutter and wipe down walls and do some intense cleaning of that sort. It shows you what the power of positive thinking and prayer can do for you. God Bless everyone. Carolyn
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
ReNeWeD LiFe
I'm always excited when I know of a new little baby being born into this world. That's how I feel about myself while stepping into this new journey, this new lifestyle change I'm about to make. I've got my meal plan and I'm about to get ready to clean out my fridge, freezer, and cupboards. I'm a little anxious about getting rid of the bad food when you think of how much money was spent on that. I'm going to donate it to those who can really use it. I know after it's done and I restock my kitchen with healthier foods I will feel like I've done a great thing for my family and myself. It's like getting the poison out of their lives. I know I may encounter a bunch of grief along the way but I'm declaring this our new way of life.
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