Saturday, January 8, 2011

Real friends - real family

I always thought I knew who my real friends and family were.  Let me tell you this has shed alot of light on who they truly are.  There have been many people there for me who I didn't think would be there.  They've been supportive and encouraging.  They are my rock.  I know that I will be here for them as they have been me.  Not to repay them but because during this time I have come to realize the love and caring in me for them.  The appreciation of treating me like I deserve this. 

For those out there who are trying to improve themselves in any way and have people who don't encourage you.  Or you have people who don't believe in what your doing.  You need to keep going.  I thought I needed to prove myself to them that I was going to continue with this "weight loss."  That I wasn't going to fail again.  What I learned was that I don't need to prove it to anyone.  That this is my journey.  I won't let anyone hurt me.  For all those of you out there that are my family and friends who don't support me that's okay.  Some people deal with things in different ways. 

I encourage everyone to support each other. 


  1. Change can often be hard for those around us to deal with. Keep up with what you are doing and they will come around in time. Congrats on your progress.

  2. Good stuff. You know, is't that what Jesus did. We read about it throughout the Gospels. He called people to CHANGE. He told one woman ... go from here and change! {OK - go and sin no more.} He asked a cripple ... do you want to be changed? A tax collector in a tree ... "Take me to your house ... you will be changed. The good news is ... that same Jesus walks among us today and says ... I want to change you ... will you let me? I think Jesus is your greatest cheerleader, I know He's mine.
