Monday, February 7, 2011

My new song!!!!

We're off to see the Fawn, The wonderful Fawn of all
We here she is a whiz of a wiz, if ever a wiz there was
If ever, oh ever a wiz there was, The Fawn of all is one because
Because, because, because, because, because,
Because of the wonderful things she does
We're off to see the Fawn, the wonderful Fawn of all.

Can you all tell I'm just a "little" giddy to see Fawn.  For me and those of you who know me this is like Christmas in my heart!!!

Time to way in with truth factor!!!! There's no shaving of any legs to help loose a little or alot of extra weight.  No just kidding we weigh in like that every week. 

So off to the chiropractor so we can head over to the weigh in!!!!!


  1. I am soo jealous! I don't get to see her until Sat!I am proud of you!!!Cant wait to see you

  2. Fun!!!! This was so cute.

  3. Good One Carolyn...Barb
