Monday, February 28, 2011

Weight in #20

As the weeks move on some say it's harder to loose weight because your body gets used to the calories, food, and exercise you do so that you have  some stand still time with the weight.  That doesn't mean that your body doesn't change.  Remember before when I didn't loose, I was still able to fit into jeans those weeks which was new for me than the weeks before.  It's truly not a number for me finally.  I wasn't upset, I didn't punish myself, and I just went on with my my day.  That's because I didn't loose any this week.  I do need to get some measurements and new pics up to show you all some other ways in which to change besides numbers.

Starting weight                             338 lbs
last week weight                           264lbs
this week weight                           264 lbs
weight loss this week                      0 lbs
Total weight loss                            74 lbs

Still on my way to health!!!!

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