Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Turkey soup?

We had a turkey dinner at my mas on Saturday.  She was going to make some soup and had asked me if I wanted some I told her it all depended on what she put in it.  I said however, "Don't make it special just for me."  So she had called me asked if I wanted some and I asked her what she put in it.  She said nothing with the extra sodium.  She used barley instead of noodles, instead of extra broth/base she got on the Internet and found some spices to ad to the soup to increase the flavor.  Not just for myself eating this soup but I'm also proud that she would do it for herself, husband, and anyone else that eats this soup. 


  1. ripple effect :-)

  2. isnt that cool. I love when that happens....When I went to My brother Pauls, his wife planned their whole meals around our menu! I was sooo excited! Made me want to cry...we are changing the world one person at at time.
