Monday, April 25, 2011


Update:  I have periods of time where I feel better and do well but then other periods of time where I'm bloated and in pain.  Tomorrow I go to see the GI Dr and I can't wait.  I'm praying for answers.  I want to swiftly move on with my weight loss journey/journey to health and being healthy in the stomach would mean having an easier time of this.  I'm not able to eat 6 small meals a day most of the time.  I have been getting in my exercise and more exercise by working on our new house.  I worked 3 solid days on the floor.  Moving up and down to get on the floor off the floor.  There were muscles used and sore.  Couldn't even imagine what to expect!!  Will update you after the appointment.  I'm definitely hoping for him to offer an endoscopy to see what's going on in there.

My 3 year old has also been really clingy lately and I have found out that I was able to carry him when he needed me to - I haven't done that since he's been able to walk.  Seriously, that long!It didn't take my breath away - I did feel back pain but before it was pain where I was unable to do it.  Today, however I was able to do it.  Tomorrow could be a different story.  With Chronic back pain you never know what's gonna happen.  That's why I'm doing what I can to loose the weight I can to help with my back and many problems that I have.

Monday, April 18, 2011

M o V i N g . . . .

Today we went to the closing of our new home and before my healthier eating that would have been enough for me I would have wanted a nap and now I'm doing that going to the new house to get some things done and more ideas in our heads.  Then we went shopping for some things we needed.  Now we're home and we are getting things around ready for an early morning tomorrow of heading down to the house and starting some more work before the husband has softball practice tomorrow and the son has baseball practice - going to packing in our meals down there at the new house. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Through the sickness

Remember that when your overweight it's hard for your body to change it's used to being over weight.  So during these problems I have such as bloating in my abdomen.  I look like I'm 9 months pregnant.  I didn't want to work out today just lay around but I don't want this problem to over take me.  So I say if I can do it you can do it too.  Even if it's not a workout per say there are things you can do around the house to burn some calories.  Tonight I tried teaching my 8 year old niece to ride a bike without training wheels.  She's scared and I walked then ran beside her as she was learning.  Yep, I said it again I ran!!!   Over and over and over again.  She made progress but hasn't perfected the art of bike riding yet.  At the same time I'm influencing her and showing her another way that could burn calories.  I didn't present it that way to her but that's what it will do for her as she struggles with weight herself. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011


So here I  am still having some medical problems.  I do have alot to be grateful for.  No matter where I've been in life I have my family and friends here.  Since my journey I've acquired more family.  My lifestyle coach Fawn has been here trying to help me through these problems, my church family always here for me, and My Pastor and my friend Marcy always there lending me prayer, hug, and support.  I know that good things are ahead for me and over time they will be revealed.  I can't wait to show all of you the great things that are to come.  Thanks for hanging in there with me!!!  Love everyone!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Turkey soup?

We had a turkey dinner at my mas on Saturday.  She was going to make some soup and had asked me if I wanted some I told her it all depended on what she put in it.  I said however, "Don't make it special just for me."  So she had called me asked if I wanted some and I asked her what she put in it.  She said nothing with the extra sodium.  She used barley instead of noodles, instead of extra broth/base she got on the Internet and found some spices to ad to the soup to increase the flavor.  Not just for myself eating this soup but I'm also proud that she would do it for herself, husband, and anyone else that eats this soup. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Well since Saturday I've been having this burping and gas that is horrid and yesterday we took off for Syracuse to do some house stuff.  The pants I was wearing hung on my hips.  I had alot of stomach pain as well.  When I got out of the van on the way back  I was so bloated I looked pregnant.  I spent most of last evening in the emergency room.  All they can tell is I have intestinal spasms.  I'm hoping this bloating and stomach pain goes away as it feels as though my stomach is going to burst.  Now the gas and burping is far and few in between and I really have to work for it but feel temporary relief when I do.  Need some relief bad.  After all this work I don't care to look pregnant right now either.  Have a follow up on Wednesday.  Hope everything is back to normal by then.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Another mini family reunion

So planning another mini family reunion.  Planning a healthy meal and also some other options for those families who have kids who will only eat certain things.  Looking ahead to see to seeing family and visiting around good healthy food.  We are starting out with some beef loin or chicken.  Toss salad, butternut squash, asparagus, and of course my Apple, pear, berry compote!!  Just 19 days from now! Any other healthy ideas that would be god to go with this - please leave me a comment and I'll see what I can do and if it's in my plan or I can adapt it to my plan would love to try it!!